Armstrong Number or Not in C using While loop
Before going to the program first let us understand what is a Armstrong Number? Armstrong Number: An Armstrong number of three digits is an...
Before going to the program first let us understand what is a Armstrong Number? Armstrong Number: An Armstrong number of three digits is an...
Before going to the program for Prime Number or Not first let us understand what is a Prime Number? Prime Number: A Prime Number is a number greater...
AIM: To write a program to find the ith Fibonacci number using recursion, given F(0)=0, F(1)=1. ALGORITHM: Step 1: Start the program Step 2: read num Step 3: f <- fibo(num)...
AIM: To write a C program to swap two numbers using call by reference. ALGORITHM: Step 1: Start the program. Step 2: Set a ← 10 and b ← 20 Step...
AIM: To write a C program to swap two numbers using call by value. ALGORITHM: Step 1: Start the program. Step 2: Set a ← 10 and b ← 20 Step...
AIM: To write a program to illustrate a function with arguments and with return values. ALGORITHM: Step 1: Start the program. Step 2: Enter the two numbers. Step 3: Call the...
AIM: To write a program for ellipse generation. ALGORITHM: Step 1: Start. Step 2: Initialize the graphics header files and functions. Step 3: Declare the required variables and functions. Step 4:...
AIM: To write a program for midpoint circle drawing. ALGORITHM: Step 1: Start. Step 2: Initialize the graphics header files and functions. Step 3: Declare the required variables and functions. Step...
Aim: To create the indexes on the attributes for fast retrieval of records. Description Indexes are special lookup tables that the database search engine can use to speed up data retrieval. An index helps speed...
Aim : To create and use the sequences for auto-numbering. Description: The Oracle SEQUENCE function allows you to create auto-numbering fields by using sequences. An Oracle sequence is an object that is used to generate...