C Program to Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit

Before going to the program first let us see how to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit? To convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit: first multiply by 180/100, then add 32. But 180/100 can be simplified to 9/5, so this is...


Android Application that creates Alarm Clock

Aim:         To develop a Android Application that creates Alarm Clock. Procedure: Creating a New project: Open Android Studio and then click on File -> New -> New project. Then type the Application name...


Simple Android Application that makes use of Database

Aim:         To develop a Simple Android Application that makes use of Database. Procedure: Creating a New project: Open Android Studio and then click on File -> New -> New project. Then type...


Simple Android Application for Native Calculator

Aim:         To develop a Simple Android Application for Native Calculator. Procedure: Creating a New project: Open Android Stdio and then click on File -> New -> New project. Then type the Application name...