Category: C PROGRAMS


C program for Linear Search

Before going to the program first let us understand what is a Linear Search? Linear search: Linear search is the simplest search algorithm. It is also called as sequential search. Linear search is a method for finding a...


C program to find roots of Quadratic Equation

Before going to the program first let us understand what is a Quadratic Equation? Quadratic Equation:                                      ...


Reverse of a Number using while loop in C

Program code to find Reverse of a Number in C: #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int n,a,r,s=0; clrscr(); printf(“\n Enter The Number:”); scanf(“%d”,&n); a=n; //LOOP FOR FINDING THE REVERSE OF A NUMBER while(n>0) { r=n%10;...


Reverse of a Number using For loop in C

Program code to find Reverse of a Number in C: #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int i,n,r,s=0; clrscr(); printf(“\n Enter The Number:”); scanf(“%d”,&n); //LOOP FOR FINDING THE REVERSE OF A NUMBER for(i=n;i>0; ) { r=i%10;...


Reverse of a Number using do-while loop in C

Program code to find Reverse of a Number in C: #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int n,a,r,s=0; clrscr(); printf(“\n Enter The Number:”); scanf(“%d”,&n); a=n; //LOOP FOR FINDING THE REVERSE OF A NUMBER do { r=n%10;...


Fibonacci Series in C using For Loop

Before going to the program first let us understand what is a Fibonacci Series? Fibonacci Series:                   Fibonacci series is nothing but a Series of Numbers which...


Fibonacci Series in C using Do-While Loop

Before going to the program first let us understand what is a Fibonacci Series? Fibonacci Series:                   Fibonacci series is nothing but a Series of Numbers which...


Fibonacci Series in C using While Loop

Before going to the program first let us understand what is a Fibonacci Series? Fibonacci Series:                                    Fibonacci series...


Factorial of a Number in C using do-while Loop

Before going to the program first let us understand what is a Factorial of a Number? Factorial of a Number:                      The factorial of a Number n, denoted...


Factorial of a Number in C using while Loop

Before going to the program first let us understand what is a Factorial of a Number? Factorial of a Number:                    The factorial of a Number n, denoted by...