To work on various constraints in DBMS


Constraints are part of the table definition that limits and restriction on the value

entered into its columns.


1) Primary key

2) Foreign key/references

3) Check

4) Unique

5) Not null

6) Null

7) Default


1) Column level constraints

2) Table level constraints

3) Using DDL statements-alter table command




iii) DROP


STEP 1: Start

STEP 2: Create the table with its essential attributes.

STEP 3: Execute Commands with different constraints and extract information from the table.

STEP 4: Stop


SQL>create table customer(cusno number(5) primary key, custname varchar(10), salary number(6,2),city varchar(8));

SQL>  insert into customer values(&cusno,’&custname’,&cussal,’&cuscity’);

Enter value for cusno: 1

Enter value for custname: a

Enter value for cussal: 5000

Enter value for cuscity: chennai

old   1:  insert into customer values(&cusno,’&custname’,&cussal,’&cuscity’)

new   1:  insert into customer values(1,’a’,5000,’chennai’)

1 row created.

SQL> /

Enter value for cusno: 2

Enter value for custname: b

Enter value for cussal: 6000

Enter value for cuscity: mumbai

old   1:  insert into customer values(&cusno,’&custname’,&cussal,’&cuscity’)

new   1:  insert into customer values(2,’b’,6000,’mumbai’)

1 row created.

SQL> /

Enter value for cusno: 3

Enter value for custname: c

Enter value for cussal: 7000

Enter value for cuscity: delhi

old   1:  insert into customer values(&cusno,’&custname’,&cussal,’&cuscity’)

new   1:  insert into customer values(3,’c’,7000,’delhi’)

1 row created.

SQL> /

Enter value for cusno: 3

Enter value for custname: g

Enter value for cussal: 8000

Enter value for cuscity: chennai

old   1:  insert into customer values(&cusno,’&custname’,&cussal,’&cuscity’)

new   1:  insert into customer values(3,’g’,8000,’chennai’)

 insert into customer values(3,’g’,8000,’chennai’)

ERROR at line 1:

ORA-00001: unique constraint (KUMARM.SYS_C008128) violated

SQL> select *from customer;


———-         ———-         ———-            ——–

    1                 a                   5000               chennai

    2                 b                   6000               mumbai

    3                 c                   7000               delhi


SQL> create table customeruniq(cusno number(4) unique, cusname varchar(6));

Table created.

SQL> insert into customeruniq values(&no, ‘&cusname’);

Enter value for no: 1

Enter value for cusname: a

old   1: insert into customeruniq values(&no, ‘&cusname’)

new   1: insert into customeruniq values(1, ‘a’)

1 row created.

SQL> /

Enter value for no: 2

Enter value for cusname: b

old   1: insert into customeruniq values(&no, ‘&cusname’)

new   1: insert into customeruniq values(2, ‘b’)

1 row created.

SQL> /

Enter value for no: null

Enter value for cusname: c

old   1: insert into customeruniq values(&no, ‘&cusname’)

new   1: insert into customeruniq values(null, ‘c’)

1 row created.

SQL> /

Enter value for no: 2

Enter value for cusname: k

old   1: insert into customeruniq values(&no, ‘&cusname’)

new   1: insert into customeruniq values(2, ‘k’)

insert into customeruniq values(2, ‘k’)

*ERROR at line 1:

ORA-00001: unique constraint (KUMARM.SYS_C008133) violated

SQL> SELECT *FROM  customeruniq;

CUSNO            CUSNAM

———             ———

         1                        a

  2                        b



SQL> create table customercheck(cusno number(5) ,cusname varchar(4), sal number(5) , check(sal>5000));

Table created.

SQL> insert into customercheck values(&cusno,’&custname’,&cussal);

Enter value for cusno: 2

Enter value for custname: a

Enter value for cussal: 6000

old   1:  insert into customercheck values(&cusno,’&custname’,&cussal)

new   1:  insert into customercheck values(2,’a’,6000)

1 row created.

SQL> /

Enter value for cusno: 1

Enter value for custname: b

Enter value for cussal: 8000

old   1:  insert into customercheck values(&cusno,’&custname’,&cussal)

new   1:  insert into customercheck values(1,’b’,8000)

1 row created.

SQL> /

Enter value for cusno: 3

Enter value for custname: c

Enter value for cussal: 3000

old   1:  insert into customercheck values(&cusno,’&custname’,&cussal)

new   1:  insert into customercheck values(3,’c’,3000)

 insert into customercheck values(3,’c’,3000)


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-02290: check constraint (KUMARM.SYS_C008129) violated

Enter value for cusno: 1

Enter value for custname: a

Enter value for cussal: 4000

old   1:  insert into customercheck values(&cusno,’&custname’,&cussal)

new   1:  insert into customercheck values(1,’a’,4000)

 insert into customercheck values(1,’a’,4000)


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-02290: check constraint (KUMARM.SYS_C008129) violated

SQL> select *from customercheck;

CUSNO       CUSN                    SAL

———         ——-                ———-

    2                a                       6000

           1                b                       8000


create table customernull (cusno number(5), cusname varchar(5),cusal number(5) not null, cusph number(10)  null)

SQL> /

Enter value for cusno: 1

Enter value for cusname: a

Enter value for cusal: 4000

Enter value for cusph: 123456

old   1: insert into customernull values(&cusno,’&cusname’ ,&cusal,&cusph)

new   1: insert into customernull values(1,’a’ ,4000,123456)

1 row created.

SQL> /

Enter value for cusno: 2

Enter value for cusname: b

Enter value for cusal: 6000

Enter value for cusph: null

old   1: insert into customernull values(&cusno,’&cusname’ ,&cusal,&cusph)

new   1: insert into customernull values(2,’b’ ,6000,null)

1 row created.

SQL> /

Enter value for cusno: 3

Enter value for cusname: c

Enter value for cusal: null

Enter value for cusph: null

old   1: insert into customernull values(&cusno,’&cusname’ ,&cusal,&cusph)

new   1: insert into customernull values(3,’c’ ,null,null)

insert into customernull values(3,’c’ ,null,null)

ERROR at line 1:

ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into (“KUMARM”.”CUSTOMERNULL”.”CUSAL”)

SQL> select *from customernull;


———-        ——–       ——–        ———-

1             a             4000          12346

2             b             6000


SQL> create table parent2( regno number(5) primary key, name varchar(5), mark number(4));

Table created.

SQL> create table child2 ( regno number(5) references parent2(regno), city varchar(5));

Table created.

SQL> insert into parent2 values(&regno,’&name’,&mark);

Enter value for regno: 1

Enter value for name: a

Enter value for mark: 100

old   1: insert into parent2 values(&regno,’&name’,&mark)

new   1: insert into parent2 values(1,’a’,100)

1 row created.

SQL> /

Enter value for regno: 2

Enter value for name: b

Enter value for mark: 60

old   1: insert into parent2 values(&regno,’&name’,&mark)

new   1: insert into parent2 values(2,’b’,60)

1 row created.

SQL> /

Enter value for regno: 3

Enter value for name: c

Enter value for mark: 78

old   1: insert into parent2 values(&regno,’&name’,&mark)

new   1: insert into parent2 values(3,’c’,78)

1 row created.

SQL> select *from  parent2 ;

REGNO                   NAME                MARK

———                    ——–                ———-

   1                              a                      100

   2                              b                       60

   3                              c                        78

   4                              d                        45

   5                              e                        56

SQL> insert into child2 values(&regno,’&city’);

SQL> /

Enter value for regno: 1

Enter value for city: chn

old   1: insert into child2 values(&regno,’&city’)

new   1: insert into child2 values(1,’chn’)

1 row created.

SQL> /

Enter value for regno: 2

Enter value for city: mum

old   1: insert into child2 values(&regno,’&city’)

new   1: insert into child2 values(2,’mum’)

1 row created.

SQL> /

Enter value for regno: 3

Enter value for city: del;

old   1: insert into child2 values(&regno,’&city’)

new   1: insert into child2 values(3,’del;’)

1 row created.

SQL> /

Enter value for regno: 7

Enter value for city: chn

old   1: insert into child2 values(&regno,’&city’)

new   1: insert into child2 values(7,’chn’)

insert into child2 values(7,’chn’)

ERROR at line 1:

ORA-02291: integrity constraint (KUMARM.SYS_C008135) violated – parent key not found


create table constall ( regno number(5) primary key, name varchar(5) not null, mark number(5) check(mark<=100),phno number(10) unique)

Table created.


Thus various constraints were created for various tables and output was verified.

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