Ex.No:3a Constructor Overloading
To write a C++ program for maintaining bank account using constructor overloading.
STEP 1: Start the program.
STEP 2: Declare the data members and constructors.
STEP 3: Define the constructors outside of the class.
STEP 4: Display the bank account details.
STEP 5: Stop the program.
#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class account { int acc_no; float bal; public: account(); account(int); account(int,float); account(account &obj); void display() { cout<<"n Account number is :"<<acc_no; cout<<"n Balance is :"<<bal; } }; account::account() { acc_no=413; bal=15.9; } account::account(int val) { acc_no=val; bal=0.0; } account::account(int val1,float val2) { acc_no=val1; bal=val2; } account::account(account &obj) { acc_no=obj.acc_no; bal=obj.bal; } void main() { clrscr(); account o1; account o2(1030); account o3(1040,1400.5); account o4(o3); account o5=o1; o1.display(); o2.display(); o3.display(); o4.display(); o5.display(); getch(); }
Thus the C++ program for maintaining bank account using constructor overloading is written and executed successfully.